
Baptism Cluj Sungarden – Alex

Baptism Cluj Sungarden


As a family photographers, baptism is an event which we love to photograph, starting from home until to the restaurant, at the cake moment. In the first half of the day, we usually are 2 photographers in order to capture the same moment from two different angles. At the restaurant, if the number of guests is not high, it remains just one of us, usually me, Andrei. At Alex’s baptism, there were about 200 guests in a wonderful location (SunGarden Resort), so Corina also remained to photograph side by side with me. Below, in the gallery with baptism Cluj photos, you can see the story of this special day for Alex and his parents.

Botez Sungarden
Baptism Cluj Sungarden

Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Detalii botez Cluj Nasi botez Cluj Botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Napoca Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Lumanare botez Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Ceremonie religioasa Sungarden Capela Sungarden Botez Capela Sungarden Botez Capela Sungarden Cluj Botez biserica Sungarden Botez Ortodox Sungarden Botez Capela Ortodoxa Sungarden Nasi botez Capela Sungarden Cluj Napoca Fotografii de botez Cluj Fotografii de botez Cluj Capela Sungarden Botez Restaurant Sungarden Cluj Masina epoca Cluj Fiat 1800 Fiat 1800 botez Botez Masina Epoca Curcubeu Botez Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Candybar Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Cerere in casatorie Vrei sa fii sotia mea A spus DA Cerere in casatorie Cerere in casatorie Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Tort Botez Tort Botez Tort Botez Tort Botez Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden Botez Sungarden